Click and drag over window below to reveal the ticket!
First 30 players to claim prize wins!
If your a winner, To claim prize email a screenshot of the winning card.
Instructions To Take Screenshot
For PC Users:
- Press Print Screen key (Prt Sc or PrtScn or Print Screen) on your keyboard. Usually on top row to the right of the keyboard. This takes a ‘picture’ of your screen and saves it to your invisible ‘clipboard’ in your computer.
- Open a program like Microsoft Paint that comes with your computer (in Start > Accessories > Paint) or you can use a program like Microsoft Word
- After the program you choose is open, on both you can go to the Menu at the top and click ‘Edit’ > ‘Paste’. Which will insert the ‘picture’ or screenshot you took of yoru screen in the new document.
- Now, go to ‘File > Save’ to save the doucment in a place you can find it afterwards for emailing.
- Now go to your email program, find the file you saved with your screenshot in it, and send to the email listed above.
For MAC Users:
- Press Command + Shift + 3 on your keyboard. This takes a ‘picture’ of your screen and saves it as a .png file on your desktop.
- Now go to your email program, find the .png file saved on the desktop of your screenshot, and send to the email listed above.