Click and drag over window below to reveal the ticket!

First 30 players to claim prize wins!
If your a winner, To claim prize email a screenshot of the winning card.


Instructions To Take Screenshot

For PC Users:

  1. Press Print Screen key (Prt Sc or PrtScn or Print Screen) on your keyboard. Usually on top row to the right of the keyboard. This takes a ‘picture’ of your screen and saves it to your invisible ‘clipboard’ in your computer.
  2. Open a program like Microsoft Paint that comes with your computer (in Start > Accessories > Paint) or you can use a program like Microsoft Word
  3. After the program you choose is open, on both you can go to the Menu at the top and click ‘Edit’ > ‘Paste’. Which will insert the ‘picture’ or screenshot you took of yoru screen in the new document.
  4. Now, go to ‘File > Save’ to save the doucment in a place you can find it afterwards for emailing.
  5. Now go to your email program, find the file you saved with your screenshot in it, and send to the email listed above.

For MAC Users:

  1. Press Command + Shift + 3 on your keyboard. This takes a ‘picture’ of your screen and saves it as a .png file on your desktop.
  2. Now go to your email program, find the .png file saved on the desktop of your screenshot, and send to the email listed above.
Scratch Off Ticket

7165 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, Maryland  21046
phone: 410.312.4761
fax: 410.312.0482

Northern Virginia
46040 Center Oak Plaza
Suite 100
Sterling, Virginia 20166
phone: 703.450.6220
fax: 703.444.2285