Getting To Know The ETC Team #10

Luke Valentine | Staff Engineer
10Things You Didn’t Know About Me….
1) I played the paperboy in the movie Runaway Bride which was filmed in my hometown of Berlin, MD. I also got to eat lunch with the star, Julia Roberts.
2) I am an Orioles season ticket holder.
3) I understand the importance of job site safety; when I was 17, I cut part of my finger off with a circular saw.
4) I played flanker for the UMD Rugby team for two years in college.
5) I have a chest where I save every card/note anyone’s ever written me.
6) I’ve walked across the Sydney Harbor Bridge.
7) When I was a baby I was nicknamed Diesel after Redskin’s running back John Riggins. I think it had to do with me weighing over 10 lbs at birth.
8) My favorite color is black.
9) I have three siblings and we all have biblical names: James, Luke, John and Rachel.
10) I can’t sleep without the sound of a fan blowing.