Getting To Know The ETC Team #15

Lorena Michel | Project Engineer
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
1. Let me start by saying that I am an animal lover, a tree-huger, and a veggie eater. I have a thing for foxes and owls, cherry blossoms and orchids, strawberries and tomatoes.
2. Back in primary school I used to get in trouble for speaking during class. The teacher had me sitting next to her desk, and I would still talk… TO HER! I can be quite a chatter box.
3. At various points of my teenage years I wanted to be a veterinarian, an artist, and a psychiatrist, but at the end of the day they were not stimulating enough.
4. I love to dance. My incursion into the dancing spotlight started with ballet lessons at a very young age. I can proudly say that I am skillful in ballet and Raqs Sharqi.
5. I dislike cooking with a passion but I love baking wholeheartedly. I literally cannot prepare an egg Benedict for the love of my life, but I can humbly say that I am a skillful pâtissier.
6. My guilty pleasure? Belgian chocolate and coffee; they make everything better.
7. I am OCD-ish, with a big emphasis on the “ISH.” I have a compulsion to color-code everything: clothes, shoes, books, accessories, you name it! And hell will break loose if my system is messed with.
8. Although I’ve been living in the U.S. for the past 13 years, I still go through cultural shock from time to time.
9. Dubai is on by bucket list. But I wouldn’t mind going to Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Ireland… and the list goes on and on.
10. I am quite a contradiction. I am shy yet outgoing, I am quiet yet loud, I am happy in my own company yet enjoy being surrounded by people, I love the hectic city life yet I need the solitude of Nature’s great outdoors to recharge energies