Getting To Know The ETC Team #19

Nick Henn, PE | Registered Engineer
10 things you didn't know about me……
1. I am an Eagle Scout. The people and experiences it took to achieve this had a big influence on my life.
2. Jeeps are my passion and I've owned several over the past few years.
3. I enjoy driving (Jeeps) and will often head out on back roads to see where they take me.
4. The Ravens, Terps and Orioles will always be my favorite teams, no matter their records.
5. I have a younger brother who is a lot like me, just unfiltered and louder. Maybe this is why we fought so much growing up.
6. Thanks to the perfect dog finding his way to our house last Christmas, my wife has joined me as a devoted "dog person".
7. I'll take talk radio over music any day.
8. A perfect way to relax is to sit and do nothing (preferably on a beach).
9. Sixteen days on a bus to Yellowstone National Park with the Boy Scouts is one of my favorite adventures. Mount Rushmore, Badlands, Jackson Hole, white water rafting on the Snake River, Devils Tower, Wall Drug and swimming in hot springs are experiences I'll never forget.
10. I always finish my drink, mainly because I can remember my Grandfather saying that "If we ever want anything else to drink, we have to finish what we had." He was not a fan of waste.